Friday, May 15, 2020

Analysis: For Hundreds of Thousands of Kids at Some of America’s Biggest School Districts, There’s Still No Consistent Plan for Remote Learning Nearly 2 Months Into the Pandemic

When schools reopen in the fall, they will look very different than the school's children left in the spring. There will likely be masks, temperature checks and extra space between desks. Nearly 1 out of 5 teachers may not be able to return to school buildings. And looming over schools will be the potential for additional closures forcing students back to remote learning.

Our nation’s education system faces an unprecedented challenge in redesigning itself to accommodate evolving guidance from public-health officials while serving the needs of every child. There are only four months to make the necessary preparations. Four months to rethink nearly every facet of education, from class schedules to instructional strategies. Four months to make sure there are enough laptops for students and professional development opportunities for teachers. Four months to use the crisis at hand to recommit to serving every student but through new approaches.

The new Blueprint for Back to School lays out the issues leaders need to address in these next four months. It is a product reflecting the thinking of 21 former state education chiefs, federal policymakers (spanning the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations), district superintendents and charter school leaders.

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